Beiträge von syonara


    First of all, thank you for your answer.
    Here goes the picture of my tankdeckel mark with the part that I cant get out.


    Can you explain me what is the procedure, because I still have some douts.
    Thanks again




    Sorry to write in English, but Im form Portugal and I dont know any German. :oh:
    Im restoring as Ascona A from the Year 1973.
    Im trying to disassemble the gas tank cap (tankdeckel) of my Ascona.
    Some of the pieces of the back part got out, but I cant take out the rest of the back part out.
    I would like to disassemble it completely , so I can chrome it like new.
    Can someone help me?
    If you can, please write in English or please put some pictures of the procedure.

    (I can put a picture of my tankdeckel as it is, but I don't know how to do it.) :oh:

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind Regards
